Scalable Processes

Restructuring for Growth: Boreal Laser’s Operating Model Improvements

September 11, 2024
2 min

Founded in 1990, Boreal Laser has been a leader in precision gas sensing technology, known for the reliability of their GasFinder Instruments in hazardous industrial environments. After 30 years of steady success, Boreal joined Growth Catalyst with the goal of scaling their organization to seize new growth opportunities.

Despite their industry expertise, Boreal faced significant operational challenges that were stalling growth:

  • Undocumented Sales Process: The lack of a formalized sales process made it difficult to replicate successes and scale efficiently.
  • Slow Decision-Making: Without a clear strategic vision and dedicated time for planning, decision-making was uncertain and slow.
  • Siloed Teams: Limited cross-departmental collaboration resulted in misalignment around the company’s values, direction, and objectives.

Through the Growth Catalyst program, Boreal Laser restructured their operations to better support growth and achieved three critical improvements:

  • Formalized Sales Process: Implemented a structured sales process tailored to their business, enabling them to accelerate growth.
  • Mission-Driven Decision-Making: With a clearer vision, the team now makes faster, more confident decisions aligned with their growth objectives.
  • Unified Team: Improved communication and accountability have unified previously siloed teams around shared values, creating a stronger, more cohesive organization.
“We’re really happy with the changes we implemented and the direction we're taking the company from here. We’re making more agile and definitive decisions, communication has improved, and our teams are less segmented, moving in a unified direction.” —Luke Degenhardt, Technical Specialist, Boreal Laser

By aligning their operating model with growth-focused objectives, Boreal Laser emerged from the Growth Catalyst program with a documented sales process, enhanced decision-making agility, and a unified team ready to tackle new opportunities.

Is your operating model ready for growth? The Growth Catalyst program can help you align your operations for sustainable success. Contact us today to learn more.

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